Freshman Academy » Welcome to the Freshman Academy

Welcome to the Freshman Academy



The Freshman Academy provides support for all freshmen as they transition into

high school.


BCHS Freshman Academy Goals:

     *  Foster Positive self-esteem
     *  Develop the skills necessary to promote academic progress
     *  Develop a sense of belonging and a connection to Bradley Central High School
     *  Cultivate good decision-making skills, student maturity, responsibility, and sense
          of respect.


The Freshman Academy is committed to:



           All students form a deeper understanding of

           Required academic subjects, electives and specialized courses to prepare them

              for post-secondary education and/or chosen career.



          Teachers incorporate real-world examples into all academic and specialized




           Students share personalized environments with classmates who share common

                interests and a team of teachers  who serve as their advocates.


More Information


If your student is interested in Freshman Academy courses and would like more information, please contact Mr. Tyler Rich, Assistant Principal, or Mr. Capehart, Freshman Counselor, for more information.


Contact Us
Freshman Academy Principal
Tyler Rich
423-476-0650 Ext: 3010
Freshman Academy Counselor
Tyson Capehart
423-476-0650 Ext: 3019