Handbook » Weather Procedures

Weather Procedures

The principal’s office will be in constant contact with the Civil Defense by way of emergency weather radio so that early warnings can be received concerning possible severe weather. Students will be sent home only if it is certain that there is sufficient time to arrive home before severe weather strikes. Parents are urged not to come to school for children if the severe weather is already in the immediate area since students would be safer at school than traveling under these conditions.


Disaster drills will be held regularly at the school so that students will be familiar with safety procedures. If it becomes necessary to send students home, the Director of Schools, along with Emergency Management and the Bradley County Sheriff’s Department, will make that decision. Parents are advised to listen to local radio stations in these situations. The One Call Now System will make a call to your home phone and emergency contact number.

When schools are dismissed due to inclement weather, the bus routes will run in the following order: high schools, middle schools, and elementary schools. Depending on road conditions, buses may have to use alternate routes, therefore if you live in a subdivision or area where hills exist, you may need to make plans to meet your child at the entrance to the subdivision. If we cannot get your child within a reasonable distance, we will return the child to school as a last resort. Please make plans with your children for early dismissal due to inclement weather.