Handbook » Non-Discrimination Policy

Non-Discrimination Policy

Students shall be provided a learning environment free from sexual, racial, ethnic and religious discrimination/harassment and hazing. It shall be a violation of this policy for any employee or any student to discriminate against, harass or haze a student through disparaging conduct or communication that is sexual, racial, ethnic or religious in nature. The following guidelines are set forth to protect students from discrimination/harassment/hazing.

Student discrimination/harassment/hazing will not be tolerated. Discrimination/harassment is defined as conduct, advances, gestures or words either written or spoken of a sexual, racial, ethnic or religious nature. Hazing is defined as an intentional or reckless act on or off school property, by one student acting alone or with others, directed against any other student that (1) endangers the mental or physical health or safety of that student or (2) induces or coerces a student to endanger that student's mental or physical health or safety. Hazing does not include physical contact associated with athletic events, athletic training, or with competition conducted under a coach’s or sponsor’s supervision. (Board Policy 6.304)




It is the policy of the Bradley County School System not to discriminate on the basis of sex, national origin, creed, age, marital status or disability in its educational programs, career and technical education opportunities, activities or employment policies as required by Title VI and VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, Title IX of the 1972 Education Amendment and Section 504 of the Federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Students and employees shall be provided a learning and working environment free from sexual, racial, ethnic, and religious discrimination or harassment through disparaging conduct or communication that is sexual, racial, ethnic, or religious in nature. Bradley County Schools offers classes in vocational/career and technical education program areas under an open admissions policy. Classes with selection criteria are nondiscriminatory. Equal access is granted to Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. For more information about application policies or course offerings contact the CTE office at 423-479-0458. Inquiries regarding compliance with the non-discrimination policy may be directed to the principal, coordinator (compliant manager) secondary supervisor, or the office of the Director of Schools. (Refer to policy 6.304, 6.305, 5.500, and memorandum of agreement: Teacher Contract Section IG- Grievance Procedure).