Handbook » Dress Code

Dress Code

Bradley County Schools High School Dress Code Procedures 


In order for Bradley County Schools to provide safe and secure schools and enhance the educational focus of our high schools, BCS has established the following standards for student dress and appearance. *In matters of opinion, the decision of the school will prevail.  


  • Any clothing or tattoos that depict alcohol, tobacco, illegal substances, profanity, sexual innuendos, gang identification, drug paraphernalia, and any inflammatory pictures or language of any kind are strictly prohibited.
  • Visible body piercings other than the ears are prohibited.
  • Unnaturally colored hair is prohibited. 
  • Bandanas, hoods, gloves, beads, beaded attire, spiked accessories, and blankets are never allowed. *This list is not all-inclusive.   



  • Shirts that represent a high school must only represent the high school your student attends.
  • Tops, shirts, blouses, and dresses must cover the abdomen, back, shoulders, and cleavage. 



  • Shorts, skirts, and dresses must approach the knees. 
  • Pajamas and fleece pants are NOT allowed.
  • Holes in pants or shorts are NOT allowed.
  • Skin-tight items such as leggings or tights are to be covered by bottom wear of appropriate length that approaches the knees.



  • 1st Offense - Warning and student will be provided a dress-code compliant change of clothing. 
  • 2nd Offense - Parent Contact and student will be provided a dress-code compliant change of clothing 
  • 3rd Offense - Parent Contact and student will be provided a dress-code compliant change of clothing 
  • Further offenses may result in further disciplinary action including ISS and/or campus community service at the discretion of the administration.
Updated: July 2024